Gioia Albano - Soul roadmaps and alternative universes

I'm working on three main project (while I try to restrain myself in starting on new stuff....and failing).

"The scarred angel" (title will probably change) is one of them.
Ashley Knox is a beautiful scarred woman that came visit me in 2023 and she just wouldn't let go.
Said that I have to write her story. In English.
You don't argue with her.
The story evolves around drugs cartels, social issues and spirituality (yep, all of it!)

While I'm working on this (it would probably take ....well, a long time!) you can read some of my fanfictions here on Archive of Your Own (AO3) alias Enora_Wings

You can also read some of me Substack : how and why I went back to writing?
Original character Ashley Knox
"The Raw Book of Women in Art" is a joined project with artist and friend Cristina Cerminara.
The aim is to share women artists interviews about what's really like being a woman and an artist in every day life.

We want to know about other women artists that might feel like they’re performing an obstacle course race and what they’ve to share about it.

The goal with this book project is very humble : crying if necessary. Having a laugh will be great too, definetely achieving to feel less alone.

A bonus would be coming up with ideas and solutions and inspiring one another to create further projects.

We want something raw, not sugar-coated, about what our real  life is as artists and women. Because this is how it feels in everyday life : RAW.

Most of all  : We want to end with hope in our hands.

Every woman artist  has the right to say her piece and it doesn’t matter where you stand in your art journey.

You might know these interactive children’s book where the reader is the hero (originally inspired by role-playing games)
Readers are empowered to actively influence and interact which leads to multiples stories/possibilities.
With exactly the same spirit this will be a therapy book where the Heros Readers Players will make choices.
And because everything happens for a reason they might realise few things about themselves and how to overcame and achieve their own inner revolution.
This projects runs in French for now.


Vous connaissez peut-être ces livres interactifs pour enfants dont le lecteur est le héros (inspirés à l'origine par les jeux de rôle)
Les lecteurs sont habilités à influencer et à interagir activement, ce qui conduit à de multiples histoires/possibilités.
Avec exactement le même esprit, ça sera un livre thérapie où les joueurs vont faire des choix. Et parcele hasard n'existe pas ils pourront acceder à des comprensions sur eux-mêmes et peut-être avancer dans leur propre révolution intérieure.

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